Universal: 24-240V AC and 12-48V DC
Consult Factory
Consult Factory
1A normally open (solid state)
Voltage Tolerance: AC Operation: +10/-25% of nominal at 50/60 Hz; DC Operation: +10/-15% of nominal. Load (Burden): Maximum of 1 VA for all voltages Setting Accuracy: Maximum Setting (Adjustable): +5%, -0%; Minimum Setting (Adjustable): +0%, -50%; Fixed Time Delay: +2% or 50ms, whichever is greater Repeat Accuracy (Constant Voltage & Temperature): +0.1% or + 0.04 seconds, whichever is greater Reset Time: 50ms Output Contacts: Normally Open Solid State 1A Continuous, 10A Inrush @ 65° C, Pilot Duty Life: No predictable failure if used within operating parameters. Leakage Current (OFF-State): <5 ma @ 240VAC Minimum Load Current: 20ma Effective Voltage Drop (ON-State): Maximum 3V @ 1A for all voltages Temperature: -40° to 65°C (-40° to 149°F)