MIN-MAX Settings on Time Delay Relays

Time Delay Relays


On a time delay relay with a range of 0.3-30 seconds, how come I get less than a 0.3 second setting at the “MIN” setting and/or more than a 30 second delay at “MAX”?


To guarantee that a user receives the full range indicated on the product, time delay relay manufacturers must build in some tolerances in the total range of the unit. Our TR-6 & TR-5 units have a setting accuracy at the MAX setting of +5%, -0%. This means that at the far end of the dial setting, a user could see a time delay of up to 5% beyond the stated maximum of the range, or up to 5% (1.5 seconds) above 30 seconds. The -0% indicates you will always see at least the maximum setting (in this case, 30 seconds), never less.

On the other end of the dial, our products have a setting accuracy at the MIN setting of +0%, -50%. The +0% indicates you will always see at least the minimum setting (in this case, 0.3 seconds), but could see a time delay value up to a 50% lower that the minimum value (0.15 seconds below the guaranteed minimum of 0.3 second). In either case, you will always receive the stated MIN and MAX values of the range. Please check the specifications for other Macromatic time delay relays as they may be different than the ones referenced above.